How to use fancy crystal buttons in your home décor

How to use fancy crystal buttons in your home décor

What better way to up the glam factor of your home décor than to add a few sparkly details? If you want to add some glitz to your home without the price of shopping the home improvement stores, try taking on some DIY decoration projects!

Why use buttons in your home décor?

Buttons are the perfect addition to your DIY home décor projects! You can find buttons in tons of different styles, shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, making them extremely versatile to fit almost any vibe. Love a rustic look? Go for wooden or leather buttons in earthy tones. Are you the queen of glitz and glam? Add a selection of fancy crystal buttons for some sparkle and shine!

Another great reason to use buttons in your home décor is that there are buttons priced for just about any budget. Plus, you can mix and match different types and colors of buttons to really create a unique and personalized feel in your home décor. Why not give buttons a try on more than just clothing??

Where to buy fancy crystal buttons

If you’re looking for the perfect crystal buttons – or really any type of button to fit your style – there are a few places to look for beautiful buttons.

First, I recommend trying your local thrift shops. You may find beautiful, unique, high-quality buttons for a fraction of the price you’d pay to buy them new. Or you may find only cheap, junky buttons – or no buttons at all! That’s the beauty of thrift shopping, you never know what you might find.

If you’re not finding any good buttons to fit your vibe at your local thrift stores, it may be time to look online for your perfect buttons. We offer a huge selection of high-end, gorgeous buttons, including fancy crystal buttons (and much more)! You may also want to try your favorite sewing supply stores to find cool buttons for your DIY projects.

How to choose fancy buttons for your home

When choosing buttons for your home décor projects, it’s really a personal choice – you’re decorating your own home or apartment, so of course you can do whatever makes you happy!

But, if you’re looking for a little guidance, here are a few of my best tips for choosing buttons:

  • Start with a few statement buttons that you’ve fallen in love with. Pick out several stand-out buttons to be the focal point of your décor project: they could be extra-large buttons, ultra-sparkly buttons, buttons in a bright color, or buttons with a unique shape.
  • Fill in the bulk of your project with more inexpensive, simple buttons that complement your statement buttons and help them take center stage. This is the best way to make your budget go further while still getting great results!
  • If you’re going to use color, try to find buttons in 2-3 different complementary colors. THIS color wheel is a great way to find colors that will look great together!
how to use fancy crystal buttons in your home decor

Home décor ideas for fancy crystal buttons

Now that you know where to get your buttons and how to choose a beautiful group of buttons – you’re ready to start DIYing! Here are a few fun button-friendly DIY home décor ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

  • Create a stunning button lampshade. You can add eclectic, colorful buttons to an existing lampshade, or remove the lampshade fabric and string crystal and glass buttons around the metal lampshade frame.
  • Spice up a plain wall key hanger with fancy buttons. Add a beautiful button design above the hooks and glue a statement button to the end of each hook.
  • Make a button wall hanging. Cover a canvas with fabric that fits your home décor style – think burlap for a rustic look, dark velvet for an elegant feel, or a bright color for a fun vibe. Then, sketch in a design. You can also trace off a design printed from the internet. Fill in the design with a range of complementary buttons. For example, I love the idea of a moon and stars design on velvet, filled in with sophisticated crystal buttons! Once you’ve finished your design, frame it and hang it somewhere it can be admired!
  • Put together a gorgeous button bouquet for a “floral” display that will never wilt! For instructions on how to make your unique button bouquet, check out this tutorial. And don’t worry, button bouquets don’t have to be limited to weddings!
  • Make a cool, one-of-a-kind button wind chime to decorate your porch or balcony (or hang it on display inside your home!). Simply string a mix of beautiful buttons from a canning lid or metal frame.

fancy crystal buttons

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