How to upcycle clothes with buttons
Upcycling your clothes with buttons can be a fun and creative way
to give new life to old clothing items.
Many people own clothing that is in good condition, yet they do not wear it. Perhaps it seems outdated or is simply not exciting. This clothing can become an integral part of the wardrobe again with a little creativity. While a garment may be recut or restyled by a skilled tailor or dressmaker, often all it takes are some new buttons or trim to make old clothes look new again.
Suit jackets are garments most likely to benefit from a change of buttons. An off-the-rack suit will usually have either standard metal buttons or colored buttons that blend in with the suit fabric. A carefully selected set of new buttons can turn a simple front closure into a fashion accessory. Use buttons as you would jewelry, to enhance appearance, add some sparkle, or pick up a color hidden in a plaid or print fabric. Fancy buttons for ladies’ suits? Yes!
For the easiest change, pick new buttons in the same size as the old ones. If your new buttons are just a touch smaller, you may tighten the buttonholes with a bit of careful hand stitching to close the holes by a millimeter or two. If the buttons you want to use are bigger, one solution is to add snaps for the functional closure and simply sew the new buttons over the old buttonholes.
Buttons are not just for closures, though.
A single large button can be used as a
brooch or as an accent on a belt. These are fabulous ways to perk up a ho-hum dress. A cluster of small jeweled buttons can be sewn around a neckline or waistline as a designer detail. Be sure to reinforce the area behind the buttons with a bit on fusible interfacing or with a small, flat anchor button on the wrong side of the garment so the new button does not stress lighter weight fabric.

To create a closure without buttonholes, try using decorative snap buttons. These buttons often attach with an inexpensive tool that looks like a pair of pliers. These are timesavers when you don’t want to make and open buttonholes, yet want the look of fancy buttons.
Handmade buttons and specialty buttons add a designer look to old clothes. For a vintage look, try fancy pearl buttons. For evening wear, jeweled buttons can elevate a “little black dress” to something really special.
10 upcycling your clothes with fancy buttons ideas:
Buttoned-up tote bag: Take an old shirt or dress and cut it up into a tote bag shape. Use buttons to fasten the sides and the straps. You can even add buttons as embellishments to the bag itself.

Buttoned-up jacket: Take a plain jacket and add buttons as embellishments. You can create a pattern with the buttons or use them to add a pop of color to the jacket.
Buttoned-up headband: Take a plain headband and add buttons as embellishments. You can use different sizes and colors of buttons to create a unique look.
Buttoned-up skirts: Take a plain shirt or dress and add buttons to the cuffs to create a new look.
Buttoned-up collar: You can use different sizes and colors of buttons to create a unique look.
Buttoned-up gloves: Take a plain pair of gloves and add buttons as embellishments.
Buttoned-up shoes: Take a plain pair of shoes and add buttons as embellishments. You can use different sizes and colors of buttons to create a unique look.
Buttoned-up hair accessories: Take plain hair accessories such as hair clips or barrettes and add buttons as embellishments.
Have fun with buttons and see how they can make a garment into something new again.
One source for specialty buttons is
Resources for More Creative Clothing
Brown, Christen, Beaded Embroidery Stitching: 125 Stitches to Embellish with Beads, Buttons, Charms, Bead Weaving & More
Fulop, Lily, Wear, Repair, Repurpose: A Maker’s Guide to Mending and Upcycling Clothes
Schaeffer, Claire B., High-Fashion Sewing Secrets from the World's Best Designers: A Step-By-Step Guide to Sewing Stylish Seams, Buttonholes, Pockets, Collars, Hems, and More
Smith, Alison, Sew Your Own Wardrobe: More Than 80 Techniques
Stanley, Suzannah Hamlin, DIY Wardrobe Makeovers: Alter, Refresh & Refashion Your Clothes