What Are Czech Glass Buttons? If you want to add a pop of color to your outfit, upgrade your style with a little bohemian flair, or find something special for evening wear, then Czech glass buttons are going to delight you! If you look at our collection, then you will understand why the Czech Republic is world-renowned for their bead and button industry, and why they’re considered to be the center of button production in all of Europe.
These unique buttons feature intricate shapes and beautiful designs. They also come in a dazzling array of colors, sizes, and styles, so you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for you. In addition to looking gorgeous, they also have a fascinating history. Read on to learn more about these special buttons.
History of Czech Glass Buttons
Bead and button making in the Czech Republic can be traced all the way back to the 8th century, when King Charles IV invited German craftsmen to Northern Bohemia to produce glasswork for his Empire. The Czech glass buttons of today got their start in 1764, and production began in a northern Bohemian city called Jablonec nad Nisou. Buttons were originally made out of metal and tin, but as technology improved, eventually they were created from glass found in the Jizera Mountains.
Czech glass buttons became a big hit, and in the 1800s, people across Europe began to seek them out for their luxurious, beautiful, and richly-decorated designs. Manufacturing skyrocketed, and by the end of the century, there were hundreds of button pressing plants across the country. More and more button styles were introduced to keep up with the market competition.
In the 20th century, thousands of tons of buttons were exported around the world, including to the United States. In fact, one third of all exported Czech glass buttons were sent to America! But after World War II, the industry declined due to expropriation and nationalization. However, even though there are only a few button production facilities left in the Czech Republic, to this day they remain beloved by many people all around the world for their unique and versatile beauty.

History of Czech Glass Buttons
Bead and button making in the Czech Republic can be traced all the way back to the 8th century, when King Charles IV invited German craftsmen to Northern Bohemia to produce glasswork for his Empire. The Czech glass buttons of today got their start in 1764, and production began in a northern Bohemian city called Jablonec nad Nisou. Buttons were originally made out of metal and tin, but as technology improved, eventually they were created from glass found in the Jizera Mountains.
Czech glass buttons became a big hit, and in the 1800s, people across Europe began to seek them out for their luxurious, beautiful, and richly-decorated designs. Manufacturing skyrocketed, and by the end of the century, there were hundreds of button pressing plants across the country. More and more button styles were introduced to keep up with the market competition.
In the 20th century, thousands of tons of buttons were exported around the world, including to the United States. In fact, one third of all exported Czech glass buttons were sent to America! But after World War II, the industry declined due to expropriation and nationalization. However, even though there are only a few button production facilities left in the Czech Republic, to this day they remain beloved by many people all around the world for their unique and versatile beauty.
How Czech Glass Buttons Are Made
Traditionally, Czech glass buttons and beads are impressively handmade. Craftsmen use metal tongs to press the heated glass into special molds, which they can design with any pattern. This method of creating buttons is particularly special, because it has not changed even after many centuries. When you wear a Czech glass button, just know you are wearing a part of history!
While these bohemian buttons are great for adding a luxurious touch to your evening wear, they can make any outfit feel special. Now that you know about Czech glass buttons, it’s time to explore our extensive catalogue of buttons, brooches, and beads. You might find your new favorite piece of jewelry!