How to Sew a Fancy Button on a Belt - zazaofcanada

How to Sew a Fancy Button on a Belt

How to Sew a Fancy Button on a Belt

There’s nothing better than a belt to accentuate your waist! It’s a great accessory to wear over a flowy dress or top, or even over a swingy jacket. Plus, a belt is a good place to go bold with your style choices. Try a bright color, an ultra-wide belt, or a textured belt.

Don’t have a good stand-out belt in your wardrobe? You can DIY one by accessorizing a plain belt with a fancy button (or two… or three)!


Here’s what you’ll need to sew a fancy button on a belt.

  • Plain, boring belt
  • Fancy button (or several)
  • Tapestry needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors

How to Sew a Fancy Button on a Belt

First, select a fancy button or two that go with your belt and match the vibe you’re going for.

Then, thread a tapestry needle with a double layer of thread around 10 inches long. Tapestry needles are thicker than regular sewing needles, which means you’ll be able to get through the thick fabric or leather of a belt!

Next, knot the thread tails together and trim away the excess thread below the knot.

Figure out where on the belt you want the button to be placed and hold it in place with one hand.

Push the needle up through the belt from the wrong side to the right side, making sure it comes out just to one side of the button shank. Slide the needle through the shank of the button, then push it down into the belt just to the other side of the shank. Pull the thread tight.

Repeat this process to sew through the button shank 4 or 5 more times.

Finally, knot the excess thread on the wrong side of the belt with a double or triple knot.

Trim away the thread tails.

You’re finished! Put on your bold new belt and show off your awesome style!


fancy buttons for clothes




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